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I’m Writing…

Hey there! 

It’s so odd… I feel like I write all the time. And in reality I do. I’ve been working on a big project and I guess I can take a moment to invite you into it. 

I’m writing a book. 

WHAT!?! Yep. That feels so risky to say in such a public setting. But I am. This season for me has been yet another intense season of healing and I would almost self-entitle it: the journey of self-acceptance. 

It has never been an intention of mine to write a book nor finish reading one;) Just kidding. Sort of. 

But as the Lord has brought me, yet again, back to my hometown to serve with Adventures I am finding myself in swampland of healing. I love and hate it at the same time. 

If I’m honest there are so many places in my story that I’d just keep pushed down and out of the way, but as you and I know, Jesus LOVES to heal and redeem everything. He is INCREDIBLY intentional with His plan in our lives. 

Also- let me just invite you into another whisper. I believe that a big shift in my personal ministry will be coming in the next year or two as I walk through this healing process. It’s gonna be wild, it’s gonna be great, and it’s gonna be better than anything I could have imagined. 

So for now- please PLEASE be praying for me as I attempt to let Him have deeper access into my life and story and please pray that more and more and more I would surrender my story into His hands that He might use it however he deems necessary. 

I love you all! Thanks for your support and encouragement!

OH right. In terms of support. I’ve been slacking on my personal support raising lately and I am actually in need of a few more monthly donors. I still need about $150/month to be fully funded in my ministry here. If you are willing/interested in partnering with me- not only in this season of ministry with Adventures- but also in my own personal season of healing please let me know. I would love to invite you in deeper and share how I believe your investment in me and in the Kingdom work I do will indeed increase the fruit to your credit:)