A couple of days ago I was sitting outside on the sidewalk drinking my coffee and beginning a conversation with the Lord when He hit me an unexpected word. I didn't really go out looking for it. He just spoke. The word that He said was storehouse.
I could see the Father looking at me while he spoke and behind him I could see what appeared as a large open barn full of different grains. It was huge and magnificent. They way that He stood before it depicted His ownership of it.
He said:
"Daughter, I am a God of abundance. I have an infinite supply of joy and peace and rest for you. All you have to do is ask me. I am a good Father and I love to give good gifts to my children. Ask and you shall receive. I love when you come to me in need because you acknowledge me as the giver of all good things. I am honored by this; and you are satisfied by it. So come and ask me."
What a great word from the Lord. So simple and sweet. How great it is that our God is a God of abundance who has an infinite storehouse available to us!
Amen sister. Thank you for sharing; I needed to be reminded of this!