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Bittersweet Transitions: Part 2 of 3

With the closing of one season comes the opening of another. This new season, just like this last one, will be characterized by intimacy with the Father. For the past few months God has been extending this invitation to me to come and be with Him in a space that He has created and prepared for me. It's called Guatemala. 

It seems so scandalous to say that God is inviting me to this foreign land not to "do" anything but literally just to sit with Him. To be enveloped into His presence and move only as He would direct me. The coolest thing is that I will be teaming up with a long term team from Adventures who is already there on the ground. Their heart? To listen to the Father and go where He leads. 

Could it be that God has planned this from the beginning of time? Yes. As I have sought the Lord over the past few months regarding this decision He has continually impressed upon me that it isn't about the work to be done there. It isn't about building a church or starting an orphanage. It is entirely about seeking Him and His heart and then responding as He leads. It is about Him and His plan.

Doesn't that sound a little bit crazy? Or is that the closest I've come to truly understanding what it means to follow Him. 

For so long in my spiritual walk I have used my intellect as a primary means to make decisions. What makes sense? How does decision A affect outcome B. I would pray and use scripture to guide my thoughts and decisions but every move was thought out and somewhat calculated. I made following the Lord a formula that could be somewhat predicted and slightly altered if needed. 

But what if I'm wrong?



What if by making calculated decisions and movements I have put God in a box and have missed out on some incredible ways that He longs to reveal himself? By thinking that I could figure it out I have missed out on the dependence and intimacy that he has lovingly forced in this season.

It's the difference in sitting in the airport frustrated at a delayed flight vs. seeing that delayed flight as a means of God keeping you there at the gate for a little longer so that you would be available to talk to the person next to you. Maybe they need a listening ear? What if you in that space in that time would be the means that God would use to bring someone to himself?

That sure does change the flight home.

I am convinced that God's plan is better than mine.

So I have decided to give up. I'm done pretending that I know what's best. I'm done trying to make calculated or safe moves. My goal now is simply to know Him deeply and intimately and to allow Him to move me as He wills. 

So I am saying "yes" to Guatemala for at least 6 months. But I'm going to need some help. Wanna know how you can be involved?


"Oh Lord grant me such grace that I might hear your voice and go where you go. Use me Lord however you purpose in this world. I am yours and I will place my hand in yours trusting your protection and provision. One day with you oh Lord is better than a thousand elsewhere."