
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

So how can you help me follow Jesus into this next season of depth and intimacy

1. You can pray. Oh please pray. Pray that the Father has His way in my life and in the lives of those on the team. We recognize that He is the vine and we are the branches. Apart from Him we can do nothing. His heart is what we are after- nothing else.

2. You can actively encourage. I love emails, letters, etc. Small reminders that there is a support team at home that is on my side. I can't tell you how much it means to me to have a few folks here at home that I can shoot a quick text to or ask for prayer and know that they are indeed praying. I feel those prayers from the field. Many days the little texts or reminders keep me going and for that I am eternally grateful! 

3. You can give. Living on the Lord's dime is both hard and incredible. For those of us that God leads to live our lives in this scandalous way- even if just for a season, we understand it as a playful dance of dependence. Whether plenty or want God is good and we rest in the promise that He will provide our every need.

I need to raise about $5500 to cover the cost of living for six months and the travel cost of getting there and back. In my finite mind I look at the calendar and think, God there is no way that you could raise what I need before I depart before early September. But as usual He reminds me that His economy is not limited by time or space. Truly He does own the cattle on a thousand hills!

Also let me just say that I in no way expect nor desire a support relationship to be one sided. Please know that I very much want to be in your lives and actively praying for and with you. 

So I invite you to partner with me in this crazy adventure of intimacy and surrender.  How you will partner is totally up to you and the Lord's leading. I trust His hand and I'm telling you there is nothing better than obedience to Him- whatever direction that might be! 

** If you desire to come alongside in prayer please stay tuned to the blog as I hope to use it as more of a platform of intentional sharing and prayer requests. Also if you want more detailed specifics for prayer you can Facebook or email me and I would be honored to invite you in more. 

** If you want to partner through encouragement stay tuned also to the blog as I will hopefully post my mailing address once I arrive on site. You can also use Facebook, email and Skype as a means to do that. 

** If you want to financially support either monthly or through special donations you may do so by clicking the "support me" link to the left of the page. It will redirect you to a step by step process. Those donations will automatically show up in my support account. All donations are tax deductible.

** Also if you are local to Gainesville, I am having a yard sale on August 31st at 3906 Oak Harbor Dr. Gainesville Ga. We will have hot dogs and hamburgers for sale (cheap) for lunch to help add additional funds to the sale. If you have any items that you'd be willing to donate to the sale please contact me and I will do my best to come pick them up!!

However you might choose to partner know that your investment, though tangible to me, is eternal. It is farther reaching than you or I will ever know and it is building for you an eternal reward kept in heaven for you! 

I am saying yes. Will you help me?