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Below is a blog that one of my participants wrote about her experience here in Guatemala. She's pretty awesome:) I am so excited about what the Lord is doing in and through her! Amen Lord.

"You broke my chains of sin and shame and covered me with grace.

You are the hand that reaches out to save.

I am set free."

– All Sons and Daughters


"There's no place I'd rather be." This week has opened my eyes to the vastness of God and his outpouring love. God has shown me that I am so lovable just as I am, and that I am closer to being the person He intends me to be than I thought. He has shown me that I don't have to be afraid to let Him in and to allow Him to shower me with His love, and that this life with Him is beautiful. 

My time with Him here has brought me more pure joy than I have ever felt. Pure love, pure joy and purity of the heart. These are the things that God has opened the doors for me to walk in. Not just now- but for all my days. For such a long time, I allowed things in my past to define me as unclean, impure. But this week God not only told me but He showed me that I am new and pure in Him. During one of our home visits our Project Leader Robin looked at me out of the blue and said, "You have such a purity in your eyes when you smile." She had no idea I needed to hear this. But hearing this meant more to me than anything else said to me the whole week. It was the Lord speaking to me. And I heard Him. I am pure in God and who I was before is NO longer and I can finally rest that truth.

The chains are gone. I am set free!


-written by Danielle Bellini 



  1. Awesome! Loved reading this,I also was blessed with a closeness to God on a trip to Guatemala recently.thanks for sharing.

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