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Christmas in Haiti!

"Deck the halls with.. tents and 90 degree weather?" Yep! I'm headed to lead a short term trip in Haiti over the holidays! Please pray for me as I step out into yet another adventure with the Lord. I have learned a lot about myself over the past month. Most notably the fact that though I trust the Lord, I always have a plan B just in case He doesn't come through. Is that trust? Not at all. So the Lord is teaching me not to trust in myself but to lean wholly on him which is a HARD thing to learn. And of course the best place to learn these things is out in a place where you have no other choice but to rely on Him. Thus Haiti! It's certainly about much more than that though. The Lord is bringing over 40 adults to partner with us this week! With a group that large we have decided to split into two groups and run like separate trips! It will be Diana, Ashley, and myself leading these teams as we seek to host local VBS, evangelism, and sports ministries. Pray for us as we seek the Lord's guidance and empowering.  We know that God is Lord of the harvest and are excited to see Him open doors for His kingdom! In the meantime, Merry Christmas!