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Greater Things..

Lately the Lord has been speaking a lot to me through my sleep. It's weird but awesome. Many mornings I wake up refreshed with a new revelation or a specific song or scripture that He wants me to meditate on or share.  

A few weeks ago He woke me up with a song by Chris Tomlin, "God of this City." The chorus of this song reads:

           "Greater things have yet to come, greater things are still to be done in this city."

It's an anthem of the greater glory to be revealed. It's the song of hope and redemption and it speaks so specifically to His heartbeat to reveal more of Himself in and around us. It's His invitation to partake with Him of the restoration of all things. 

I can't help but feel in my spirit this excitement and eager expectation of what's to come. I don't know what it will be; I don't know the challenges and joys that await but I do know that He is perfect and good and that His plan always involves walking towards newness and life. 

This specific revelation coupled with other things that He has been speaking for the past couple of months has led me to say 'yes' to staying in Guatemala for at least another six months!

Like I mentioned above, I have no idea what He has in store here. But I am believing in His promises for greater glory. If this is the place He's asked me to be- than there is no better place on earth:)

In order to continue walking in obedience here in Guatemala I am in need of more financial support.

Would you pray about partnering with me in the work of the Father here in Guatemala?

If you feel led to partner in any capacity you can either contact me through leaving a comment below or you can click the "support me" link to the left of this page. You will be redirected to a secure donor page through Adventures in Missions where you can easily give a tax deductible gift. 

Thank you in advance for your partnership in the gospel and let me say a huge thank you to all of you who have been supporting me and the work of the Lord here for the past several months. May the fruit continue to increase to your credit as you sew into the Kingdom!