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Home Sweet Home

Hola amigos! I am back in the United States! Though only here for a short time to visit and raise additional support, it is so good to be home. So far I have napped (in my favorite bed with a fluffy comforter), eaten American food (harder for my stomach to adjust back to than I anticipated), and seen a handful of wonderful people (from various seasons of my life). 


I'm rested; I'm exhausted. I'm at home; I'm homesick. I'm overwhelmed; I'm bored. I'm confident in His direction; I'm terrified of the unknown. I'm excited to see people; I have no idea how to relate. I know He'll provide what I need; I wonder where the "cattle on a thousand hills" really are. I love the alone time; I miss living with 15 people. I love being able to communicate with most people (English); I hate that there are so many people to talk to. 


America the beautiful. She certainly is. The rolling hills, pastures, mountains, rivers, and beaches all create a landscape that invites a different kind of rest. Nature seems to invite you out into her to get lost even if just for the moment. In all the countries I've visited, many with astounding beauty- none can measure up to America in their ability to invite you out of the daily hustle and into the oasis. 

This invitation is birthed from a loving Father who longs for us to find true rest and peace in Him. He only is the answer that the deepest places within us call out for. 

It is good for my soul to be reminded of the deep inviting places of His heart that I find so evident here in the spaces in nature found in America. It is the fresh wind needed to launch me back into another season of following Him into the unknown of the Guatemalan awakening. 


The Lord has made it clear to me that He wants me to return to Guatemala for another season. This time we have no end date in mind (scary) and He is asking me to come back as "Staff." If I'm honest I have no idea what that word means other than some variance on the financial breakdown.

The timing is interesting.

I am at a place where I no longer need a title or role to define my worth. Frankly I'm fine without it. The less I have on my plate the more free I am to just be His daughter and enjoy intimacy with Him. But He is asking me to step back into leadership… back into responsibility in a way that is drastically different than it ever has been. He is purifying a calling and a purpose that He gave me long ago.  

He's given me snippets of how He might use me in the future and He is making it clear that this season, just like many that have preceded it, is a season of purifying and equipping for what's to come. The cool thing in the Lord is that even these seasons of preparation aren't in vain. He is doing some really cool things in Guatemala and I am excited to be a part of them! 


For the next month or two I am in the States inviting others to say 'yes' alongside me as we together walk forward into the unknown of His will trusting that His plan will unfold as He sees fit and that His will will be accomplished. 

To come on as Staff I will need to raise additional funds. Approximately $1000/month to cover all living expenses, ministry costs, travel needs etc.

If you would like to partner with me as a monthly donor or as you are able, you can do so by clicking the "Support Me" link to the left of this page. You will be redirected to a secure site with Adventures in Missions where you can set up either one-time or recurring payments using EFT (works like debit) or Credit Card. 

In addition to online giving you can also mail checks in to:

Adventures in Missions, P.O. Box 742570, Atlanta, GA 30374-2570.

Be sure to include my name and ITPGuatemala in the subject line:) And as always, all donations are tax-deductible.


For the many of you who have embarked on this journey of faith with me over these past couple of years let me say how truly thankful I am. The lives of so many people have been touched through your obedience. And I am confident that this will turn out as "fruit increasing to your credit."

On a more personal note- thank you for sowing in to me. Your partnership has in many ways created the space and opportunity for me to walk into deep places of personal healing and freedom that I honestly never thought possible. That is no small thing. 

Truly, thank you.